Our Mission

Blackhawk Credit Union was formed on June 18, 1965 with the Fisher Body Division of General Motors - Janesville and office employees of UAW Local 95. The first Board of Directors' organizational meeting was held September 18, 1965 with 68 people in attendance.
In November 1965, Blackhawk Credit Union received its first payroll deduction, which was $1700 per week. There were 242 people on payroll deduction employed by Fisher Body. At that time, the loan limit was $220.

In October 1970, 164 South Academy Street (Janesville) was purchased and became the office for Blackhawk Credit Union. In September 1973, a branch office in Edgerton was established. In January 1978, our 2704 East Milwaukee Street (Janesville) office was purchased and became the main office for the Credit Union.

In 1980, our Edgerton office burned to the ground. Previous plans had been made to build a new office in Edgerton in 3 years. A temporary location was opened only 3 days after the fire in a remodeled mobile home. Construction started immediately on the new location and the building was completed exactly 3 months later.
In May of 1983, our membership charter was expanded to include everyone living or working in Rock county.
Our Mortgage Real Estate department was established in November of 1984. Also in November 1984, our charter expanded to southern 1/2 of Walworth county and in October of 1987, the Brodhead-Decatur Township and Albany.

